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The Fermentation, Drying, Crushing & Granulation Production Line for Palm Fiber


The Fermentation, Drying, Crushing & Granulation Production Line for Palm Fiber   The Fermentation, Drying, Crushing & Granulation Production Line for Palm Fiber

Organic Fertilizer Production Process

Applicable Raw Materials:

– Livestock and poultry manure (chicken, duck, pig, cow, sheep)

– Straw

– Biogas residue

– Urban sludge and garbage

– Sugar mill and paper mill sludge

– Mushroom sticks, furfural residue, palm oil fiber

– Seaweed, soybean meal, and other organic wastes

1.Raw Material Pretreatment

Purpose: Adjust moisture content and carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, and add bacterial strains to accelerate fermentation.

Process: Organic solids are mixed with straw powder to achieve a moisture content of 55-60%. A fermentation agent is added, and the mixture is transferred to fermentation tanks.

2. Organic Raw Material Fermentation

-Purpose: Reduce volatile substances, odors, kill pathogens, and decompose organic materials to release essential nutrients.

Process: Aerobic composting is carried out in fermentation tanks using turning machines to ensure proper aeration. The composting cycle lasts 10-20 days, reaching temperatures of 60-70°C. The compost is then moved to the aging workshop.

3. Aging of Fermented Materials

Purpose: Further decompose and stabilize organic matter to prepare it for subsequent processing.


The composted material is aged to complete the decomposition of large molecular compounds.

4. Fine Processing

Process: After aging, the material is conveyed to a mixer, then to a crusher. The crushed material is screened, with the powder sent to the finished product warehouse and the granulated material prepared for further processing.

The Fermentation, Drying, Crushing & Granulation Production Line for Palm Fiber


The Fermentation, Drying, Crushing & Granulation Production Line for Palm Fiber   The Fermentation, Drying, Crushing & Granulation Production Line for Palm Fiber

Organic Fertilizer Production Process

Applicable Raw Materials:

– Livestock and poultry manure (chicken, duck, pig, cow, sheep)

– Straw

– Biogas residue

– Urban sludge and garbage

– Sugar mill and paper mill sludge

– Mushroom sticks, furfural residue, palm oil fiber

– Seaweed, soybean meal, and other organic wastes

1.Raw Material Pretreatment

Purpose: Adjust moisture content and carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, and add bacterial strains to accelerate fermentation.

Process: Organic solids are mixed with straw powder to achieve a moisture content of 55-60%. A fermentation agent is added, and the mixture is transferred to fermentation tanks.

2. Organic Raw Material Fermentation

-Purpose: Reduce volatile substances, odors, kill pathogens, and decompose organic materials to release essential nutrients.

Process: Aerobic composting is carried out in fermentation tanks using turning machines to ensure proper aeration. The composting cycle lasts 10-20 days, reaching temperatures of 60-70°C. The compost is then moved to the aging workshop.

3. Aging of Fermented Materials

Purpose: Further decompose and stabilize organic matter to prepare it for subsequent processing.


The composted material is aged to complete the decomposition of large molecular compounds.

4. Fine Processing

Process: After aging, the material is conveyed to a mixer, then to a crusher. The crushed material is screened, with the powder sent to the finished product warehouse and the granulated material prepared for further processing.

Parts of this products
  • Raw Material Pretreatment
  • Organic Raw Material Fermentation
  • Aging of Fermented Materials
  • Fine Processing
  • Packaging Machines
  • Packaging

-Purpose: Adjust moisture content and carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, and add bacterial strains to accelerate fermentation.

– Process: Organic solids are mixed with straw powder to achieve a moisture content of 55-60%. A fermentation agent is added, and the mixture is transferred to fermentation tanks.

– Purpose: Reduce volatile substances, odors, kill pathogens, and decompose organic materials to release essential nutrients.

– Process: Aerobic composting is carried out in fermentation tanks using turning machines to ensure proper aeration. The composting cycle lasts 10-20 days, reaching temperatures of 60-70°C. The compost is then moved to the aging workshop.

– Purpose: Further decompose and stabilize organic matter to prepare it for subsequent processing.

– Process: The composted material is aged to complete the decomposition of large molecular compounds.

– Process: After aging, the material is conveyed to a mixer, then to a crusher. The crushed material is screened, with the powder sent to the finished product warehouse and the granulated material prepared for further processing.

– Granules are screened to separate sizes. Larger particles are crushed, and fine powders are recycled. The remaining granules are treated to prevent clumping and are then packaged.

– Finished granules are weighed and packaged for storage.

Dust Removal System

– Exhaust gases from the drying and cooling processes are treated through a gravity settling chamber and then discharged via a chimney.

This process efficiently converts organic waste into high-quality granular organic fertilizer, contributing to waste recycling and sustainable agricultural practices.

The palm oil fiber organic fertilizer production line is composed of three parts as follows .

The Fermentation, Drying, Crushing & Granulation Production Line for Palm Fiber

  • Mixing and Preparation
  • Granulators
  • Drying
  • Cooling
  • Screening and Anti-Caking Treatment
  • Packaging
  • Removal System

Raw materials are proportionally added to mixers, ensuring no clumping and uniform flow. Two mixers operate alternately. Mixed materials are conveyed to the crusher.

Rotary Drum Granulator: Powdered material is fed into the granulator, where it is combined with an adhesive to form granules. The granules are then transported to the disc granulator.

Disc Granulator: Granules are further rounded and shaped. Unformed materials are re-granulated to enhance the granulation rate. The granules are then transferred to the drying section.

The Fermentation, Drying, Crushing & Granulation Production Line for Palm Fiber The Fermentation, Drying, Crushing & Granulation Production Line for Palm Fiber

Granules are transported into a dryer where they are exposed to hot air from a natural gas burner. The drying process removes moisture and ensures the granules reach the desired dryness.

The Fermentation, Drying, Crushing & Granulation Production Line for Palm Fiber

The dried granules are cooled using ambient air in a cooling machine, reducing the temperature to around 45°C. The cooled granules are screened to sort sizes and are then directed to storage or further processing.

The Fermentation, Drying, Crushing & Granulation Production Line for Palm Fiber

Granules are screened to separate sizes. Larger particles are crushed, and fine powders are recycled. The remaining granules are treated to prevent clumping and are then packaged.

The Fermentation, Drying, Crushing & Granulation Production Line for Palm Fiber

Finished granules are weighed and packaged for storage.

The Fermentation, Drying, Crushing & Granulation Production Line for Palm Fiber

Exhaust gases from the drying and cooling processes are treated through a gravity settling chamber and then discharged via a chimney.

This process efficiently converts organic waste into high-quality granular organic fertilizer, contributing to waste recycling and sustainable agricultural practices.

The Fermentation, Drying, Crushing & Granulation Production Line for Palm Fiber

Granular Organic Fertilizer Production
The Fermentation, Drying, Crushing & Granulation Production Line for Palm Fiber
Mixing and Preparation

Raw materials are proportionally added to mixers, ensuring no clumping and uniform flow. Two mixers operate alternately. Mixed materials are conveyed to the crusher.

The Fermentation, Drying, Crushing & Granulation Production Line for Palm Fiber

Rotary Drum Granulator: Powdered material is fed into the granulator, where it is combined with an adhesive to form granules. The granules are then transported to the disc granulator.

Disc Granulator: Granules are further rounded and shaped. Unformed materials are re-granulated to enhance the granulation rate. The granules are then transferred to the drying section.

The Fermentation, Drying, Crushing & Granulation Production Line for Palm Fiber

Granules are transported into a dryer where they are exposed to hot air from a natural gas burner. The drying process removes moisture and ensures the granules reach the desired dryness.

The Fermentation, Drying, Crushing & Granulation Production Line for Palm Fiber

The dried granules are cooled using ambient air in a cooling machine, reducing the temperature to around 45°C. The cooled granules are screened to sort sizes and are then directed to storage or further processing.

The Fermentation, Drying, Crushing & Granulation Production Line for Palm Fiber
Screening and Anti-Caking Treatment

Granules are screened to separate sizes. Larger particles are crushed, and fine powders are recycled. The remaining granules are treated to prevent clumping and are then packaged.

The Fermentation, Drying, Crushing & Granulation Production Line for Palm Fiber

Finished granules are weighed and packaged for storage.

The Fermentation, Drying, Crushing & Granulation Production Line for Palm Fiber
Removal System

Exhaust gases from the drying and cooling processes are treated through a gravity settling chamber and then discharged via a chimney.

This process efficiently converts organic waste into high-quality granular organic fertilizer, contributing to waste recycling and sustainable agricultural practices.

The palm oil fiber organic fertilizer production line is composed of three parts as follows.

Part I: The Fermentation Production Line for the Palm Fiber after extracting oil from Palm Fruit

The Fermentation, Drying, Crushing & Granulation Production Line for Palm Fiber

Part II : The Drying and Crushing Production line for Fermented Palm Fiber

The Fermentation, Drying, Crushing & Granulation Production Line for Palm Fiber

Part III: The Granulation Production line for Palm Fiber Powder

The Fermentation, Drying, Crushing & Granulation Production Line for Palm Fiber

Raw Materials:  Palm Fiber

The Fermentation, Drying, Crushing & Granulation Production Line for Palm FiberThe Fermentation, Drying, Crushing & Granulation Production Line for Palm Fiber

The Specification of Final OrganicFertilizer Granule

  • Organic Matter >60%, Total Organic NPK from Palm Fiber >7%
  • Size : from 2mm to 4.75mm , which can be produced according to customer’s requirement
  • Moisture <15% , which can be controlled according to to customer’s requirement

The Fermentation, Drying, Crushing & Granulation Production Line for Palm Fiber

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